元米海軍少佐から教わる!【誰でも出来るテロ対策・防犯対策】~あなたを守る三原則「RUN HIDE FIGHT」~

物殺傷事件等新幹線内刃から自分を守る三原則「RUN HIDE FIGHT」

元米海軍少佐から教わる!【誰でも出来るテロ対策・防犯対策】~あなたを守る三原則「RUN HIDE FIGHT」~

The three fundamentals of protecting yourself: “RUN HIDE FIGHT” ®

もしもあなたがこの様な場面に遭遇した場合に備えて、「RUN, HIDE, FIGHT」®を覚えておいてください。


「RUN, HIDE, FIGHT」®の原理は以下の通りです:


1 逃げる

2 逃げられない場合は隠れる

3 やむを得ないときは戦う






「RUN, HIDE, FIGHT」®の原点は、アメリテキサス州のヒューストン市警察がアメリカ合衆国国土安全保障省と共同で開発した一般市民向けの教育ビデオで、ヒューストン市が「RUN, HIDE, FIGHT」®をトレードマーク登録しています。こちらがそのビデオです:

ヒューストン市警察 RUN HIDE FIGHT




Yesterday a knife attacked occurred in a Bullet Train. Two women were injured and one brave man whom stepped in to stop the attack lost his life. May this hero rest in peace.

Should you ever encounter such a situation, please remember “RUN HIDE FIGHT” ® .

The premise of “RUN HIDE FIGHT” ® is as follows:
If a active shooter attacks your workplace, you should
1. RUN
2. If you cannot run, HIDE
3. If the shooter comes to your hiding place (or no hiding place is available), then you must FIGHT
The luggage in the overhead racks can, in a pinch, be used as viable weapons!

Please look at the video embedded in this news article. In March of this year, students at a Netherlands college encountered a knife attack by a deranged man. You can see one of the students throwing and whirling his backpack to thwart the attack, and the students succeeded in driving the perpetrator away.

Netherlands college knife attack


The origin of RUN HIDE FIGHT can be traced back to a video co-sponsored by the Houston Police Department and the Department of Homeland Security. In fact, “RUN HIDE FIGHT” ® is a trademark registered by the City of Houston.
Here is the actual video: